Wednesday, October 17, 2007

House Marriage Debate, 7/18/06

Duration: 05:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-18 15:17:44
User: goodasyou
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Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts speaking against the so-called Federal Marriage Amendment (Clip courtesy of C-SPAN)


apollodionysus7 ::: Favorites
This is awesome! Frank is eloquent, simple, honest speaker. No pretense, creepy smiles (mitt romney, I had to mention that, lol), he attempts to reach out to everyone. This is inspiring.
07-09-02 23:15:12
DERrockigeSUPPY ::: Favorites
Despite the difficulties and two thick glass ceilings (Being Jewish and Gay), I want to see Barney Frank as our Speaker one day.
07-09-01 05:17:06
outrider52 ::: Favorites
yeah go to hell republicans quit f'ing everything up all the time
07-08-09 11:34:51
alulu8 ::: Favorites
Thanks Congressman Frank!
07-07-12 01:36:04
brownleatherpants ::: Favorites
That is because heterosexual men have always considered women to be inferior being and even a possession. With gay men around, they are now on the other side of the table. They can't pull their stunt anymore. They are afraid!!!! It's called homophobia. It's evil and today, it has become a cult much stronger than God.
07-05-14 22:13:52
CCCPDude ::: Favorites
GOOD=God* Sorry for my misselling
07-04-20 22:29:14
CCCPDude ::: Favorites
Why Do you oppose Gay Marriage? Is it becasue God? Is it becasue a one book(the bible). The Social Conservatives rather then govern the bible rather then the U.S I do not want my love for the same-sex( yes i am gay) to be juged and says its worng. I do not want to be told that i have to marry a member that is not the same-sex as me becaasue "thats how god wants it" The bible is about the love of good not about god hating gays
07-04-20 18:13:44
Orgullomoore ::: Favorites
07-04-19 00:37:38
adhesivesynergy ::: Favorites
Pretty depressing that so many people in this country consider unabashed bigotry a legitimate political opinion.
07-03-09 21:08:39
democrat87 ::: Favorites
yeah barney you tell those assholes whats good for them they deserve it stupid idot republicans
07-02-18 01:55:23

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