Tuesday, August 28, 2007

GH2007 Famosos | Jacqueline vs. Fernanda

Duration: 02:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-26 21:19:11
:::: Favorites

gh5.digiloc.com.ar Semana Nº 6: Jacqueline critica a Fernanda por prestarse al juego del Kamasutra sabiendo que su pareja la está viendo afuera de la casa.

GH5 | Presentación de Soledad

Duration: 00:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-09 04:39:45
:::: Favorites

gh5.digiloc.com.ar Soledad hace su presentación antes de entrar a la casa.

AmyViolence ::: Favorites
aguante sole ♥
07-08-26 15:50:32
exvasco ::: Favorites
yo la parto
07-08-13 15:04:29
foxeneize01 ::: Favorites
le doy
07-08-09 05:04:04

Un due tre...stalla (finale) -3

Duration: 10:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-05 07:03:44
User: tomasgaru
:::: Favorites

Ultima serata

Liverpool-psv 1-0

Duration: 06:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-25 10:08:03
User: tomasgaru
:::: Favorites

champions league 06-07

Boca Juniors-Real Madrid 2-1 part 4

Duration: 10:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-29 00:12:27
User: tomasgaru
:::: Favorites

toyota cup

urfada tirit ziyafeti

Duration: 04:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-22 06:11:04
User: mentortr
:::: Favorites

Şanlıurfada tirit ziyafeti

Ajax-Juventus 1973-part 3

Duration: 10:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-17 17:21:31
User: tomasgaru
:::: Favorites

the dream team ajax

GH5 | La casa dividida en grupos

Duration: 03:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-21 15:49:32
:::: Favorites

gh5.digiloc.com.ar Semana Nº 2: Las estrategias, la convivencia y las personalidades dividen a la casa en grupos.

labrujitaberta ::: Favorites
aguanten los bananasss jajajaja
07-08-21 20:17:59

The Atheist Guide to the bible : A short and concise summary

Duration: 10:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-01 05:27:22
User: g0at
:::: Favorites

The Atheist Guide to the bible : A short and concise summary This explanation is in no way suffient, but I hope it teaches a few people something new about a book they may have no knowledge of. maybe even a christian ! :0 One more thing to note: NOTHING was written by or about jesus during his lifetime. No writings from any of the apostles exist. No writings from anything , even a journal, exist from any family member of an apostle. No writings from peter, no writings from mary, no writings from jesus. I can't imagine hanging out with god and not writing anything about it. None of their family or anyone related to them wrote anything about the accounts of jesus. one major error I made " Paul was a big persecutor of the jews" .. It should have said " CHRISTIANS"

sharkaficionado ::: Favorites
Yo, Are you gay or bi? If you are hit me up, I will come by for you to fuck me . You are hot
07-07-22 02:44:54
Kinor7 ::: Favorites
It's very interesting that you only look at the history behind the translations and the writers, and almost completely exclude the actual content of the book. I suggest you open-mindedly read through the New Testament first, and THEN criticize it. Check out the webpage ChristianAnswers[dot]net. Over there you'll get all the answers you seek. Garuanteed. ;) Tacke care!
07-07-21 19:40:08
sthebg20 ::: Favorites
What is the point of telling Jesus's life four times? If we don't understand it, we can just read it again. This certainly says something about the authors' opinion about their audience.
07-07-13 20:43:24
cardiffmc ::: Favorites
God, if he were real I would burn in hell for living my life as a good person, I don't need a god to tell me I'm a bad man after all I work to support my family to get them a better education than I had, to see them strive to be. And most of all I know when I die I will have been all I could be nothing more or less will do. You on the other hand to your dieing day will worry whether you are worthy of your gods love? 3/3
07-07-09 16:20:24
cardiffmc ::: Favorites
If truth be known then he is no truer that the Easter bunny, eggs by the way are given in pagan rites as a symbol of new life. And if you do you home work you will find that most of the Christian beliefs tie into a lot of Pagan and roman gods as the Romans were expert at assimilating other cultures, ever herd the saying "resistance is futile" if any one coined that farce it was the Romans 2/3
07-07-09 16:18:02
cardiffmc ::: Favorites
The problem with religion is simple, we don't have the answer, don't ask awkward questions and blind faith is what you have to have. Look at it from my point of view. Why would I worship a god that gladly condemned 2/3rds of the population at any one time in history to burn in the pits of hell for all eternity. Dose that sound like a kind and gentle good with a responsibility for the human race, after all we are made in his image. 1/3
07-07-09 16:16:48
darklove21 ::: Favorites
Deuteronomy??? You mean...like from the Musical CATS!? Ohh...here goes a 'CATS' moment 'Memory All alone in the moonlight I can smile at the old days I was beautiful then I remember the time I knew what happiness was Let the memory live again ' hee hee! sorry
07-07-04 13:43:16
Matur1n ::: Favorites
If there is one thing that is pretty much universely agreed on it is that Luke and Acts were written by the same author. The writing style is near identical, they are addressed the same way to the same person. The preface of Acts explicitly references "my former book" about the life of Jesus—almost certainly the work we know as The Gospel of Luke.
07-06-26 00:27:15
Matur1n ::: Favorites
Generally a good review, but you said Paul prosecuted the Jews, I think you meant Christians. You also made it sound like Constantine and Paul were contemporaries. Paul died around AD 65. Constantine was born about 280AD over 200 years later.
07-06-26 00:16:58
F0LL0WCHR15T ::: Favorites
Everyone knows Genisis cause everyone knows where they came from...YES we originated from sin. Its like when you are a kid...you have laws for certain reasons...then you grow up and you have choice to do right and wrong.. In the old test... people followed a law.. and they found it hard as humans to follow these laws...Jesus sent his son to raise us up and help us live life.... choosing Jesus is the right choise...
07-06-09 05:39:38
yancur ::: Favorites
Jesus sent his son? I thought Jesus was the son. :-/ But at the end they are both the same so what does that matter ;) It's nice fairy tale anyway.
07-06-22 02:06:56
F0LL0WCHR15T ::: Favorites
God Sent is Son...Jesus...Jesus was in the Image of his father...God. They are one, Jesus will Rule over all Gods creation.
07-06-22 04:41:32
magnime01 ::: Favorites
Jesus never said he was the son of god. Give me a passage where jesus said that. BUT, If you worsip Jesus then you break the 10 commandments, so what you have to do is make jesus god in order to be safe, False, but safe in your mind.
07-06-22 13:44:27
magnime01 ::: Favorites
I believe you to be incorrect because, Jesus said he is not here to eradicate the old test. laws but to fulfill them. He NEVER said to not follow the old test. laws. He even said you must be more hardcore than a Pharisee in order to be his follower along with 7 other things. Most Christians ignore the other 7 items and follow only the John one. You are using a faulty analogy to allow yourself not have to do what Jesus and the old test. said, in order to take a shortcut and take the easy way out.
07-06-22 13:40:47
g0at ::: Favorites
noahide laws :0 they pwn
07-06-22 18:04:59
darris321 ::: Favorites
everyone knows genesis because it's quoted and parodied so often. "in the beginning" is a very useful phrase. why do you know that choosing jesus is right? what proof do you have?
07-06-30 03:00:19
F0LL0WCHR15T ::: Favorites
Simply read his teachings!! Its clear who he is and what his purpose was here on earth, i dont know anyone who could be more selfless!
07-06-30 10:55:11
darris321 ::: Favorites
that's irrelevant you said the reason people know genesis is because its written in us (or something like that) i was saying thats not why.
07-07-01 23:21:27
g0at ::: Favorites
ah no way :)
07-06-07 21:17:11
squitmaa ::: Favorites
Good job minus the whole Constantine and Paul thing. I probably would have done the same thing if I tried to say all this in 10 minutes. You probably already know this but I'll tell you just to be sure. The Council of Nicaea cannonized the NT in around 325A.D. It was government sponcered. This is also when Easter and Christmas already national holidays were made Christian. Also interesting to note that Nicaea is in Turkey. Important for understanding semetic influence on Roman Government.
07-08-21 16:32:09


Duration: 00:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-17 04:54:10
User: dimovideo
:::: Favorites

Concerto dei Muse a verona 160707

Saskin doktor yanlis ameliyat yapti

Duration: 05:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-19 06:54:24
User: mentortr
:::: Favorites

urfada saskin doktor yanlis ameliyat yapinca

bozovam ::: Favorites
o dokorun sorumsuzluğu inşallah düzelir
07-07-26 03:36:20
bahyedin ::: Favorites
doktor hanıma unutmamak için bir tavsiyem var bas parmagına bir kırmızı kurdela taksın bence..
07-07-19 16:52:23

ibo verdi veristirdi www.sanliurfa.com

Duration: 02:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-14 03:54:25
User: mentortr
:::: Favorites

urfadan milletvekili adaylığından son anda vazgeçen ibo bakın neler diyor

GH2007 Famosos | Cintia y Fernanda intentan entenderse

Duration: 03:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-14 18:16:55
:::: Favorites

gh5.digiloc.com.ar - Semana Nº 5: Después de las peleas entre Cintia y Fernanda tratan de acercar posiciones y empezar de nuevo.

GH2007 Famosos | Semana Nº 5: Robertino se autonomina

Duration: 01:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-16 17:13:33
:::: Favorites

gh5.digiloc.com.ar - Semana Nº 5: Robertino quiere jugar y ver que pasa con el público afuera. Entra al confesionario y comunica que no va a nominar.

anaprincesa ::: Favorites
ROBERTINO mi amor!!!! me encantaaaaa!!!!!
07-06-16 20:11:14

Moto king random weee

Duration: 07:27 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-18 23:12:08
User: g0at
:::: Favorites

Just a quick random video, enjoy :0

theAbstruseJuice ::: Favorites
What kinda bike was it?
07-08-15 02:14:49
g0at ::: Favorites
07-08-15 02:17:17
Collegegirl83 ::: Favorites
wooo.. living on the edge I see..lol..you ROCKED the tires of the mofo moto haha
07-03-20 06:56:29
menotsimple ::: Favorites
whoa..i think u need to slow down there mr. g0at. dont want u messin up that pretty face of urs... xoxo. oh, and ur not boring. i <3 g0at.
07-03-19 05:16:03
Judelicious1971 ::: Favorites
Wow. I forgot how first world it is in the US. The roads are so nice compared to here. King is a nice boy too :)
07-03-19 02:32:22
Mordecai36 ::: Favorites
Oh damn I want you... I mean, your bike! I want YOUR BIKE, I SWEAR!
07-03-19 02:29:54
Coey87 ::: Favorites
I like the driving footage. Its a great change up. Keep up the good work and try not to die!
07-03-19 01:57:34
eyemsoemo ::: Favorites
that vid was cool like ice... ice, baby! der ner ner derner ner ner.
07-03-19 01:07:52
xXJADEXx7 ::: Favorites
what kind of academy do you go to?
07-03-19 01:03:59
g0at ::: Favorites
Fire Academy :)
07-03-19 08:14:59

isotlarin efendisi1 www.sanliurfa.com

Duration: 08:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-18 01:49:51
User: mentortr
:::: Favorites

Yüzüklerin efendisinin Urfa versiyonu

trial000 ::: Favorites
şahsen urfalı olarak sizlerle gurur duyuyorm arkadaşlar unutmayın ki urfalı olunmz urfalı doulur
07-08-03 08:44:23
glendalleeee ::: Favorites
07-07-28 08:57:11
sakkus ::: Favorites
07-06-18 17:46:13
fatti34cfh ::: Favorites
allahima super olmis gurir duydim valla baska filmlere de yapsayz cok gozel olur.yaasasin urfalilar
07-06-16 11:31:03
chimeryan ::: Favorites
güzel olmus aferin lan :d
07-06-12 14:33:27
cimtay89 ::: Favorites
hahahaha bende urfaliyim babo, cok guzel olmus!! kafalilar utansin!
07-06-10 06:20:38
k2now ::: Favorites
ne dandigi aq mal mısın adamlar calısmıslar harbi
07-05-23 15:30:47
alkanrock ::: Favorites
off yaa kırık kılıçla parmakları keserken giren türkü ile frodo'nun söylediği türkü girince koptum yaaa, süper olmuş helal olsun :D gollumun sesi harika olmuş :)))) yüzügüm kayboldi, kim aldıysa versin lo.
07-05-21 00:07:11
pittissim ::: Favorites
hahooo emmiyin kucağına gel deyii...bekçi bako nun hambal cümmenin,kepekçinin ruhları şad olsun...yapanların ellerine sağlık ...çok güzel olmuş...ALLAHİZA qurbann...YALNIZ SANIRIM BUNU ANCAK TAM OLARAK URFALILAR ANLAYABİLİR...:))GÖZZEL URFAM..ŞİRİN URFAM...
07-05-19 05:44:14
zidano62 ::: Favorites
üç tene deligi var!!!!:)))))
07-04-25 05:36:33
63OweN63 ::: Favorites
babaiza rahmet ancırr kafalılar utansınn
07-04-19 17:03:15
hktnkcmz ::: Favorites
laa daha bizde neler war nelerr :D sıra truva da onuda ben ataram :D NOT : ŞİVEMİZ DEN UTANMIYORUZ BİZE KIRO DİYENLERİ KINIYORUM :D KIroyum amma para bende :D
07-04-15 09:39:42
BozkurtLB ::: Favorites
baska filmerede dublaj yapsanizdaha güzel olur
07-06-09 03:20:41
emrah681 ::: Favorites
liweyso şalwarda number one...
07-04-14 06:16:38
bawer721021 ::: Favorites
kıymetlim isottt
07-04-11 12:18:06
myworld18 ::: Favorites
harikaya bu kadarmı güzel olur kıymetliiim caanımm ahmo senmisin
07-03-30 14:04:55
hespera77 ::: Favorites
o kadar da güsell değill
07-03-28 08:55:22
sun1988shine ::: Favorites
gülmekten karnıma ağrı girdi ya:)
07-03-28 05:19:19
rivolli63 ::: Favorites
gerçektende çok güzel olmuş diyecek tek laf yok yapanlara helal olsun...teşekkürler...
07-03-27 17:17:01
trw7k ::: Favorites
a şindi bı nedir?yanı ne anlisız bından.
07-03-27 12:06:10

Un due tre...stalla 20/03/07-part 5

Duration: 10:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-08 11:49:09
User: tomasgaru
:::: Favorites

prima serata

karim56 ::: Favorites
grande tomasgaru!
07-06-09 04:20:57

Un due tre...stalla 3 aprile -part 12

Duration: 10:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-20 09:09:31
User: tomasgaru
:::: Favorites

terza serata

GH2007 Famosos | Dolores de madre

Duration: 03:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-26 07:08:35
:::: Favorites

gh5.digiloc.com.ar Semana Nº 2: La modelo extraña a su hijo y en el confesionario le cuenta a Gran Hermano que espera que el público la elija para abandonar la casa.

Un due tre...stalla (Finale)-1

Duration: 10:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-04 16:53:49
User: tomasgaru
:::: Favorites

ultima serata

GH2007 Famosos | La espontánea en vivo de Jorge

Duration: 00:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-05 01:17:42
:::: Favorites

gh5.digiloc.com.ar Semana Nº 8: Después que Gran Hermano comunicara la sanción a Jorge por cantar el voto el boxeador hizo la nominación espontánea. Prestá a atención al monitor que Jorge Rial tiene detrás, puede leerse en sus labios tres votos para Fernanda y dos a Diego.

yugioh2601 ::: Favorites
Juaaa Juaaaa!!
07-07-07 18:56:43
anaprincesa ::: Favorites
que se vaya este tipooo!!! es demasiado creido!! y quiere ser siempre ganador!
07-07-05 17:59:08
cannabiswoouu ::: Favorites
andate roña aguante diego
07-07-05 11:04:26

RE: Paul, Acts

Duration: 08:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-05 03:12:29
User: g0at
:::: Favorites

video can be found here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnRAG3oNwn0

tangledupinglue ::: Favorites
The point of saying if Jesus was on earth, is in reference to him being our high priest. Where High Priests are on earth, but Jesus, at the moment after being raised to life, is not on earth but in heaven.
07-07-13 03:22:45
tangledupinglue ::: Favorites
Hebrews is probably most likely not written by Paul. Who knows who it is actually written by, but its not a letter, but a sermon, and to the Jews not with Pauls style either, so very unlikely to be pauls...
07-07-13 03:21:37
tangledupinglue ::: Favorites
1 Corinthians 15: 1-8, Paul describes the message of Christ as his death and resurrection, he grounds this in the appearing to Peter and the apostles. Earlier in the book he resolves to know nothing but Christ and his crucifixion. The gospel (books) show that Jesus' life was about his death and res, it makes sense that Paul only talks about this.
07-07-13 03:20:18
EhteshaamTheProudMus ::: Favorites
Dude, This is awesome. The Major problem I have with Christianity is Paul of Tarsus a man who never met the historical Christ and whose version of Christ eventually made Orthodoxy. And Btw Acts is just a book of propaganda which allegedly reported the history of churches but was really deviant Pauline ideology. Very good video.
07-06-21 15:38:04
g0at ::: Favorites
totally agree :)
07-06-22 00:22:48
33LB ::: Favorites
i love you goat. i want you to be the father of my future wife's children.
07-04-10 19:55:33
g0at ::: Favorites
This has to make the top 10 list for the best comments I have received :)
07-04-19 11:42:51
Necrokitten ::: Favorites
07-07-04 19:13:44
Mjhavok ::: Favorites
Not if god doesn't exist he can't. Then you would just be delusion.
07-04-08 22:19:12
cfortnerXYZ ::: Favorites
agreed, my point exactly. He never existed. Revelations are just pretense. Or worse yet, a conscious attempt at the deception of the gullible. Abraham's father had to work making idols. Abraham, being too lazy to work, made a business of selling fantasies.
07-04-09 05:46:54
roachboy2488 ::: Favorites
Revelations is really fun to read though. The best written part of the bible (KJV) in my opinion. Also, deception and fear are huge parts of all religions.
07-08-08 04:14:03
hbirdman25 ::: Favorites
You are wrong to say that Paul does not write about the famous stories of Jesus' life. Paul recounts the Last Supper in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26.
07-04-07 23:20:38
Mjhavok ::: Favorites
07-04-08 22:20:29
g0at ::: Favorites
He recounts the ressurection, the ascention, and crusifiction. Yes paul knows the end days of jesus. He understand the signifigance of jesus. But he never mentions any of the "storys" of jesus. Walking on water... Any of the miracles.
07-04-09 01:42:24
AnointedHeathen ::: Favorites
I'm a fan of Saul of Tarsus but when he changed over to Paul he just became a wimp. Great vid.
07-04-06 10:02:03
g0at ::: Favorites
Nice ^^
07-04-06 12:40:36
kingcharlemagne23 ::: Favorites
intelligence in sexy!
07-04-05 18:22:26
g0at ::: Favorites
yeah sure, high five! :)
07-04-05 15:34:27
g0at ::: Favorites
point taken. Paul does not even tell us when Jesus lived or died Paul used the charism of speaking in tongues, which just furthers his BS, The miracles of Jesus would have been better evidence.
07-04-05 15:34:14
cjunk351 ::: Favorites
I reckon they would have been better evidence. Have you seen the video Richard Carrier & Mike Licona Debate on the Resurection Of Jesus Christ? Top debate, probably one of the best debates to ever watch. Both parties very knowledgable on the subject and well presented. some parts are on youtube
07-04-05 20:55:38

The Wraith -part 1

Duration: 10:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-20 14:55:39
User: tomasgaru
:::: Favorites

my favourite movie

loksyn ::: Favorites
Great movie. I see where they got the idea for The Crow.
07-08-17 16:53:41
gangsta07job ::: Favorites
Nice music years 80 style
07-08-09 05:59:57
BSmov123 ::: Favorites
thanxs 4 posting
07-08-02 16:51:54
klsver ::: Favorites
Du bist der Größte!!!
07-07-30 17:10:34
dweebcentric ::: Favorites
was michael dudikoff ever in a good movie?!
07-07-13 10:02:46
axl30000 ::: Favorites
you rock ! thank you so much tomasgaru
07-07-07 17:47:09
chyna98 ::: Favorites
I dig this movie!!
07-06-27 10:21:56

Real Talk With Mya Harrison Part 1

Duration: 09:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-19 14:27:30
User: RealTalkNYTV
:::: Favorites

Real Talk With Mya Harrison Part 1 Interview by Joy Daily RealTalkNY.net by Nigel Degraff

westcoast03 ::: Favorites
07-08-27 22:11:53
LoseMyFocus ::: Favorites
she looks great
07-08-22 13:05:44
brookliyna ::: Favorites
07-08-20 13:33:47