Friday, January 25, 2008

respect respect

Duration: 07:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-30 11:40:30
User: ellybijvoet
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respect respect


ellybijvoet ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 09:19:08

Thanks a lot!!
art6000 ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 09:06:03

magnifique!!!!5 stars!!!!

Other Video Blog Entries

Telsa Coil Mario Music - Mario Bros Theme Song using a Telsa
t.A.T.u on "100 Questions To An Adult" Part1
degrassi jr. high
Cinderella: the Joe Jonas Story
This is the best trick of all time if you know you will win


At the Airport 1

Duration: 00:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-29 22:59:50
User: guitargoddess31
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Travel  stuff  




Other Video Blog Entries

Re: Put it in Purse
Band in a Box Tutorial #2, making a jam track.
Anne Frank
The ECRHS-Edd thinks he's Feeder Geisel
Abandoned Kittens in Jakarta


monrose clip show

Duration: 04:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-01 10:01:09
User: mosaic19
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monrose  mandy  bahar  senna  temptation  popstars  


schöne bilder von mandy, bahar und senna bei popstars 2006 und monrose als band lied: "push up on me" (temptation)


spidersend ::: Favorites  2008-01-02 08:11:56

@Angelofreallove: du bist kotzhässlich und siehst nur mit schminke so aus!!!!! Hör auf die Mäadels zu beleidigen! die sehen alle super aus!
BillsBabe92 ::: Favorites  2007-11-20 14:16:47

Geiles Lied ^^!!! Hey was sagst du da??? Mandy und Bahar sind die hübschesten, nur Senna gefällt mir nicht so besondern, aba dissen tu ich sie nie.....
Nilimi ::: Favorites  2007-10-15 13:39:21

Love it ! xoxo
priiincessof95 ::: Favorites  2007-09-19 12:32:58

J'aime trop monrose Je les ait découvertes grace a VIVA DANKE
Angelofreallove ::: Favorites  2007-06-29 12:15:04

Senna und Bahar sind Kotz hässlich alla die sehen nur mit schminke so aus aber mandy ist natur aus sexy und hübsch

Other Video Blog Entries

Golden Sun - Walkthrough - Part 50
Pimped Napoleon
Das EFX - Straight From The Sewer
AW2: BHR - NC Sinking Feeling (1/2)


NFL Football, Red Sox Nation, and Your Stocks

Duration: 05:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-23 19:53:57
User: donharrold
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nfl  football  red  sox  new  orleans  saints  stocks  jim  cramer  larry  kudlow  cnbc  team  sports  nation  basketball  husker  dallas  


If you are a member of any sport "nation", you probably don't make as much money in the stock market as you could. Since this is football season, I thought I'd share with you a simple concept that will make you money. You'll have to leave your sports nation, though. That'll be hard for some of you. But, hey, if being on a team is important to you, JOIN MINE. You'll make money and get to wear super cool overalls.


Other Video Blog Entries

Amazing Prothro Catch
work outs
Me and Blast's Spanish Project
Ron Brown


vanessa hudgens getting mad

Duration: 00:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-12 13:51:25
User: princesscutie807884
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vanessa  hudgens  paprazzi  


watch! i do not own dis


SuperStarGirlxx ::: Favorites  2008-01-22 17:08:32

omg i feel so sorry for her! They should just leave her alone, she so had the right to get mad there...xx
babyv0002 ::: Favorites  2008-01-22 16:59:45

aww ;[
Degrassigurlxoxo ::: Favorites  2008-01-20 22:20:16

her mom was the one gettin mad v looked sad tho.. i feel bad 4 her that the paparazzi has to follow her every move.
zanessakelly ::: Favorites  2008-01-18 06:26:36

wow she is soo thin! poor girl! thats not cvool<.-<8
kacihamlyn ::: Favorites  2008-01-16 16:42:49

poooooor nessa

Other Video Blog Entries

Show da Virada II
NYAF Lucky Star
Silkroad: PvP Sparta
The young mother was desperately trying to end her life.
Integra Turnbull Run


I Sound Like Southpark

Duration: 00:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-10 21:06:28
User: waitnontheworld
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southpark  helium  blair  party  


My dreams have come true. :]]


callieisfarout ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 19:10:30

haha sarah's like, too busy sucking on her damn balloon :D

Other Video Blog Entries

Brett Favre After Loss To Giants (T.O. cries again)
百分百 - 安静.rm
Completing Link's Crossbow Training Part 4
Asami Izawa - Visualize
A Video Dedicated to Elyssa [iwantcandy124]


Fullmetal Alchemist-Famous Last Words (Piano)

Duration: 05:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-21 16:31:16
User: khfan4ever
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fullmetal  full  metal  alchemist  fma  amv  famous  last  words  chemical  romance  mcr  edward  elric  anime  the  black  parade  


the same Famous Last Words amv that I already uploaded, only with the piano version of the song. I just cut it down a bit to fit the song. DO NOT GIVE ME ANY CREDIT FOR THE SONG WHATSOEVER!!! I bought it off itunes.


lochsier ::: Favorites  2008-01-22 20:30:42

wow, i gave the other one a 5/5, but this one desreves a 6/5, that piano version is by far the best Show/Song match i have heard, and the editing is awsome even with the different song. Way to go man, you got on my playlist of Best AMV's on Youtube, and you deserve a big hand for this one. Superiour, 5/5 all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cloudwacher22 ::: Favorites  2008-01-15 22:28:55

I like the show but my chemical romance is just a straight shitty band. I'm not saying this song doesn't go well with the show. It goes okay with it. I also don't hate my chemical romance. they're not good enough to hate. They're just a emo mediocre band. And I don't listen to them.
Hekaza ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 15:21:49

Very beautiful, nicely done. ^-^
mycokerulesyayD ::: Favorites  2007-11-04 18:16:16

ANyone who hates My Chemical Romance or Fullmetal Alchemist Sucks! This song goes good with show!
sarahsmiles916 ::: Favorites  2007-10-28 08:01:46

Cool! I love playing and lessoning to the piano!

Other Video Blog Entries

todo cambio
Atari XL XE User Club - ABBUC - deutsche Version
jakob maze özi
innsbrucker sandler teil1
Sven`s World Metal TV "Thrash Special" Trailer


Wal Mart Gone Bad

Duration: 04:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-12 20:30:09
User: mrfetch
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walmart  gone  bad  The  Adventure  Wal-Mart  

Description: Don't Hate!!! This is a short video of our experience at Wal Mart. No one was killed or harmed in the making of this video. It is just for fun. Watch it till the end. WalMart goes bad.


Snapple378 ::: Favorites  2008-01-20 20:39:07

that was hilarious... but geez that lady was freaking annoying
putamadrecabron87 ::: Favorites  2008-01-20 17:30:37

YES!! FUUUNNNNYYYY! Can she be any slower? "Come here. I have to tell you something!" hahaha "I'm going to walk even slower! You better come here now!" That lady is such a loser...
fearthedreadlox ::: Favorites  2008-01-20 00:57:39

I liked it, what happened to your blond buddy you just left him?
BrownBagSB ::: Favorites  2008-01-18 19:12:33

you'd better talk to me or i am going to walk after you
NosferatuTIONEN ::: Favorites  2008-01-17 21:14:30

dude that high speed chase was intense!! haha, good vid man :)

Other Video Blog Entries

Christmas Children, Scrooge
Velvet Acid Christ - Discolored Eyes
Super Smash Youtube Melee #2
gorda de botero en New York
Stalker 17


Vidéo de la C.V. ô__ô

Duration: 05:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-21 15:08:29
User: aureliemuse
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C.V.  Muse  Kasabian  Arctic  Monkeys  Radiohead  Franz  Ferdinand  The  Strokes  Mika  star  wars  delivery  groupie  bump  gunther  


Vidéo de la C.V. Mouahaha... Tu aimes Muse Kasabian Arctic Monkeys Radiohead Franz Ferdinand The Strokes Mika...? Dans ce cas cette vidéo devrait te plaire, et réveiller au passage une groupie qui sommeille en toi (si elle n'est pas déjà réveillée :D) Bref bref...vive eux !!! 8D ( ) PS : tout ça est à prendre au 2° degré je précise quand même hein je suis pas une simple sale groupie sans cervelle mais tout d'abord une fan haha :D (c'était profond ça gné)


tastycyanide ::: Favorites  2008-01-21 15:30:58

"je suis pas une simple sale groupie sans cervelle mais tout d'abord une fan haha :D" répète moi ça ? :D

Other Video Blog Entries

The Future of Armenia - Armenia 2020 Project
Idiot versus Lions
Me and my pony jumping
snopp dogg and the doors riders on the storm chopped up
Die besten Fans der Liga


The Flying Carrot - Ode Aan Sigrid @ frontline

Duration: 04:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-28 06:07:45
User: theeraserofnations
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flying  carrot  ode  aan  sigrid  spruyt  frontline  


the flying carrot playing "ode aan sigrid" at the frontline


Other Video Blog Entries

Hare Hare Yukai
Djokovic Video Site
Yoruichi's Secret
Gaza in the dark
Zoraki Koca 21. Bölüm izle Seyret


Barbara Schöneberger Slideshow

Duration: 04:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-30 23:42:27
User: snapjexmuh
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barbara  schöneberger  german  lady  host  linkman  hot  blonde  celebs  


slideshow of german TV lady


JensGC25 ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 16:46:47

Das heißeste was das deutsche TV zu bieten hat!

Other Video Blog Entries

Ryder Boy ENT @ Da Chop Shop Studio's with Dj Fullmoon
Sweeney Todd Am 21.02.2008 Im Kino Made By AzadKurde65
Dynasty Warriors 6 Trailer - Playstation 3
WCW Nitro 4/15/96 Hulk Hogan vs Arn Anderson/Taskmaster 2/2
My Icon


Hand To Hand - The Arson

Duration: 04:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-20 09:03:12
User: Lecapitaineasperge
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Hand  The  Arson  Indie  Emocore  emo  post  hardcore  florida  rock  metal  


Here is the video clip of the song "The Arson" by Florida post-hardcore band Hand to Hand.


EmoLucifer696 ::: Favorites  2008-01-15 08:40:30

Coolz x3

Other Video Blog Entries

Computer Programmer
Artsniff & Monkey Luke's Big Adventure
Workin' For A Living?
10 Mikroi Mitsoi (2003) - Lazopoulos Starovas
Diana's Dance


Gaspard Ulliel sur Canal +

Duration: 08:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-05 13:52:27
User: Skiming23
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Gaspard  Ulliel  Jacquou  


Gaspard Ulliel sur Canal + pour la promo de "Jacquou le Croquant"


Kaerume ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 11:38:58

of course!! <3 Edward Cullen <3
Kaerume ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 11:38:39

yep, Steven Strait is Jacob (so he can be beaten by Edward (Gaspard) <3 I still like Steven, he is sexy, but not as sexy as Gaspard of course ;D
HPgroupie ::: Favorites  2007-12-24 04:11:33

Lol @ how you spelt "straight!" Thinking Steven should be Jacob...I am. Just saying.
GaarasNiceTwin ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 00:01:12

damn strait!
Emmagination35 ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 17:21:11

hahaha yay i can understand!! woot go frenchies!!! anyway ya EDWARD CULLEN RIGHT THERE

Other Video Blog Entries

Telsa Coil Mario Music - Mario Bros Theme Song using a Telsa
t.A.T.u on "100 Questions To An Adult" Part1
degrassi jr. high
Cinderella: the Joe Jonas Story
This is the best trick of all time if you know you will win