Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Duration: 258 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-12 12:38:46
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Americans Against Escalation - a coalition of MoveOn, SEIU, and others - protested in front of the White House.

ooppoddoo ::: Favorites
Thank you. ooppoddoo
07-01-12 22:12:26
silversback ::: Favorites
i want to see more of that! if you americans only did that earlier... well, you're slow, but at least you wake up now.
07-01-19 04:38:37
Rochembo ::: Favorites
too bad the regime can still do what it wants..all under the pretext of the staged terror attacks of 9/11
07-01-19 12:23:16
JWEyster ::: Favorites
OUTstanding! We MUST stop Bush's war ON Iraq!
07-01-26 07:56:54
Illegalsgo2hell ::: Favorites
jezz SEIU= commies just lost all of its validity
07-01-26 16:22:47
StCyrlyMe ::: Favorites
All I can say is this is my kind of guy Reda StCyr
07-01-30 20:37:43

RICHARDSON @ Moveon.org Townhall: Stop funding for the war?

Duration: 149 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-10 22:13:36
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Bill Richardson's first question during MoveOn.org Political Action's unprecedented Virtual Town Hall meeting on Iraq -- where seven presidential candidates answered questions from MoveOn's 3.2 million members. More video is available at www.MoveOn.org. HELP SPREAD THIS VIDEO -- help it climb the YouTube ratings by giving it 5 stars, making it a favorite, commenting, and forwarding to friends!

hermitnw ::: Favorites
Go Richardson!!!
07-04-11 11:11:20
DjonPompe ::: Favorites
This is the only strong person in Democratic contention. He's the only person on either side who is campaigning from the basis of experience and conviction.
07-04-11 15:42:56
bamalv ::: Favorites
i like him a lot. he has lots of good experience. the only problem i have with him is that he flip flopped on immigration.
07-04-11 18:31:13
scamperwillow ::: Favorites
He was bertter than I expected - good strong and clear.
07-04-11 20:04:57
thodgson ::: Favorites
Good experience and good ideas...just wish he were up there with Hilary and Barack
07-04-12 17:27:02
dianekins ::: Favorites
This guy is fantastic. He is the clearest thinker in the bunch, and he has the best experience. Go, Richardson!!
07-04-20 19:47:12
Forrestthemann ::: Favorites
Bill Richardson can appeal to Democrats, Independents, and Republicans (I know some that would vote for him). He would bring the country together.
07-04-26 00:39:06
westlv ::: Favorites
I donated again today to Ron Paul, LOOK AT MY PROFILE TO SEE WHY...spread the word, get involved and DONATE to Ron Paul, TODAY!!!
07-07-10 14:55:03
demliars ::: Favorites
He veto's it because he can dumbass. Stop the funding, if you're even man enough to do that but libs want political cover for evrything they do. Bunch of surrender monkeys. Giving those sick muslim bastards cover.
07-07-11 11:26:54


Duration: 60 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-12 14:40:00
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


KenziShayy ::: Favorites
Yeah, I didn't understand a word they said unfortunately. But I the man looks familiar ....
07-07-18 21:31:50

Nascar Crash Jeff Fuller Huge Crash

Duration: 26 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-25 01:51:57
User: wwetnaecw
:::: Favorites

jeff fuller has one of the most biggest crashes i have ever seen at kentucky

bakinginheat9201 ::: Favorites
yeha i agree with Aeoxins if it was the drivers side he would be dead the role cage broke i was watchin that race
06-10-16 20:55:04
maybrook1 ::: Favorites
Oh if he was he would have died instantly
06-11-22 10:49:30
kycruisecrazy ::: Favorites
from the race it didnt look that hard. when the car came around on the wreaker it was a mess.
07-02-08 21:38:08
nascarbifflefan4ever ::: Favorites
he broke his fingers
07-02-27 20:26:25
sniperkain ::: Favorites
oh shit that hit right on the walls edge
07-04-13 04:47:26
MccSpitfire ::: Favorites
omg did you see how far he rebounded? and its cement not tires aswell :S
07-04-13 10:39:59
christophbrookes ::: Favorites
wow u gotta love Yokle commentry people
07-04-13 12:30:57
squirlybmx ::: Favorites
damn tat was da worst crash ive ever seen worse than dalae earnharts crash
07-04-18 14:34:43
bgilstrap3761 ::: Favorites
i think it MIGHT have been worst the dale's crash but that still hurt
07-07-13 22:06:30
PYLrulz1984 ::: Favorites
Fuller was lucky that he hit passenger side instead of driver side. He hits driver side, and he more than likely would of been killed, if not severly injured.
07-08-03 18:02:18

Prawie jak Rubik ...

Duration: 94 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-30 10:30:29
User: GrzesiooTV2
:::: Favorites

Każdy może zrobić sobie kantatę :) http://www.kantata.fe.pl/ To obok to moje dzieło stworzone w pół godzinki :) Zachęcam do spróbowania :)

krzychu025 ::: Favorites
OK. Znajdź jeszcze ludzi, którym się to podoba, orkiestrę symfoniczną, zbierz drużynę śpiewaków i dorzuć znajomości.
07-06-23 18:53:40

US ATTY PURGE: Highlights - White House Involvement???

Duration: 328 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-07 15:57:53
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Highlights from 3.6.07 hearing.

sixtoedkitty ::: Favorites
Corrupt officials don't like Us Attorneys doing there job.
07-03-08 14:22:17
L8M8 ::: Favorites
Thank you so much for posting this. Many of us depend on
07-03-09 06:11:06
trojantrent ::: Favorites
Thanks again for this video. It's important that people see what is going on.
07-03-16 01:27:42
marshalljedediah ::: Favorites
only prosecutors who put GOP congressmen behind bars and those who are democrats should be fired ... they will tell you that is how it is done .. that when the president is a democrat like clinton, then only republicans will be prosecuted and when the president is a nazi the only those who are not nazi's will be prosecuted .. this is especially true when the nazi's are collecting information on everybody under the patriot act ... karl rove's signature is all over it.
07-03-18 16:35:40
chelliegirl ::: Favorites
Thanks for posting. It seems that C-Span is having "trouble" posting it in its entirety, if at all. The US Attorney who started all of this is David Iglesias who was the real-life attorney portrayed in Rob Reiner's film "A Few Good Men." Only Karl Rove would be stupid enough to mess with a man of his stature and reputation.
07-03-31 16:35:44
jhalston ::: Favorites
A person should be measured by their successes rather than capture on a political misstep. I wish everything was not televised. If the Democrats are not in front of the camera maybe they will do something.
07-04-20 12:26:48
4951WEDDEL ::: Favorites
The Democrats are attempting to create a scandal where none exists. These people work "at the pleasure" of the President. It does not matter how or why they were replaced. It happens in every administration. Even those who replaced them will be replaced by the next administration.
07-05-24 16:17:02

GORE: On Coal and a New Power Grid

Duration: 161 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-21 17:17:06
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Former VP Al Gore speaks to Congress on his view of coal power plants and creating a new kind of power grid in the United States (Mar. 21, 2007)

alanroderick ::: Favorites
And why is Al Gore a self serving politician, now world renown, given scientist credentials.? And if you do not believe Global warming these people claim you are also a denier of the Holocaust. If they are so confident why use such vitriol?
07-04-28 21:11:24
forkeat ::: Favorites
more and more scientists are refuting the al gore theory of global warming. Piece by piece the global warming scam is being dismantled.
07-05-01 02:04:58
ekim53 ::: Favorites
There is a strong correlation between elevated atmosphere temperature and air condition units. Every time someone turns on their air conditioner it's hot outside. You ungrateful carbon foot printing, planet destroying, Bush loving, imperial, capitalistic bastards, TURN OFF YOUR DAMN AIR CONDITIONERS OR WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE... or you can give me some money, technically carbon credits, and I'll plant a nice tree or bush for you...thank you very much.
07-05-04 12:36:27
pfiffer2974 ::: Favorites
what we really need to do is reduce the human population down to about 1/10th of what it is today, and also go back to the tech level we were living at in 1883. Maybe by doing this , we can save the planet! 600 million people on the planet will be plenty.
07-05-14 12:32:55
uSteltzen ::: Favorites
You have no idea what your saying. Do some more research.
07-05-22 04:00:07
ekim53 ::: Favorites
Do you want to volunteer?
07-05-22 09:41:11
ekim53 ::: Favorites
That's a pretty sorry rebuttal...anybody can say that.
07-05-22 09:45:44
pfiffer2974 ::: Favorites
its coming soon enough for all of us. a nation as large and powerful as China will not want to share resources forever.
07-05-22 20:11:01
carmexworks ::: Favorites
why do you global warmists have to keep coming here to defend your co2 global warming? You already say you have "a consensus among scientists". Don't you have peace of mind about that? Why do feel the need to keep coming here do defend co2 global warming? Is it because you feel doubts? You are worried. Al Gore fails to convince.
07-05-23 23:54:02
tyfry87 ::: Favorites
Al Gore is an idiot. There is no economical way of capturing carbon emissions. If everyone shut their lights off when they left the room, THAT would make a difference.
07-07-03 14:15:18


Duration: 180 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-25 16:32:14
User: boh3m3
:::: Favorites

Guys... I dunno anymore.

candyandterry ::: Favorites
07-06-15 17:53:18
yessuh1232 ::: Favorites
i want that sweater!
07-06-15 19:40:24
skittlez609 ::: Favorites
lol i love this video so much . . .me and my sister have a stuffed animal frog and cus of your 'sacred froggy' we named it froggy god ^_^ we love you boh3m3 . . . .keep on rocking
07-06-30 22:39:57
kingsharksam ::: Favorites
lol @ 2.57
07-07-01 06:14:30
DoubleAAco ::: Favorites
hhahaha oh god thats hilarious. they said..i had violated my purity..ice cream stuff. no wait-thats not what they said. hahaha the sacred kool aid. oh and nice hoodie, lol.
07-07-07 02:09:27
MEGARA2009 ::: Favorites
I too was the fastest sperm
07-07-08 03:39:22
RetroRyder ::: Favorites
damn, I was gonna say that - "I too was te fastest sperm." Oh well, nice sweater, i want it.
07-07-16 03:10:24
matrox999 ::: Favorites
boh3m3 you have inspired me to make a video blog so when i get the resources i shall
07-07-27 14:15:16
darwintaba ::: Favorites
i luv ur hoodie!! lmao
07-07-30 02:50:48
Evanmileus ::: Favorites
07-07-31 10:56:34


Duration: 389 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-21 11:30:55
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites

DTF出品 http://www.dtfans.com/

kilky04 ::: Favorites
love DANSON~~!!!!
07-06-09 13:33:32


Duration: 232 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-27 12:11:44
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


DARFUR: Sudan Minister Defends Darfur Policy

Duration: 135 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-07 13:39:27
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

During a press conference live via satellite from Khartoum, Dr. LAM Akol Ajawin discusses the US decision to impose sanctions on Sudan. He believes the sanctions undermine the peace process and asks President Bush to reconsider.

madbcc ::: Favorites
it was about ime!!!!!!! but chinas gonna make up for it... we do nothing but shit man were the biggest morons around
07-06-07 16:22:07
madbcc ::: Favorites
and what a bullshiter... man its tiring
07-06-07 16:23:02
SmokescreenNinjaz ::: Favorites
Lying piece of genocidal SHIT! Fuck you!
07-06-22 08:48:15

eta mariano rajoy pp partido popular

Duration: 523 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-04 19:15:10
User: kyvids
:::: Favorites

04/07/07 Bajar con http://keepvid.com/ Descárgate los vídeos ahora, no esperes a que desaparezcan

Anfield Rap

Duration: 232 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-03 23:00:55
User: srawra
:::: Favorites

Well embaressing! Join LFCfanatics.com today!

instamatique ::: Favorites
haha, thats freakin awesome! LFC 4 LIFE!!! YNWA!!
07-08-04 06:42:31

Philadelphia Eagles 07

Duration: 257 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-23 18:31:39
User: Bad4ndy
:::: Favorites

The NFC Dream Team

HnstlyShdy7 ::: Favorites
Thanks for that man,.....gives me high hopes for the upcoming season. Do you know anything about Jason Avant or Jeremy Bloom getting time a WR?? I'm really hoping one of them steps up to fill the void Stallworth left. I need to get in football mode,....I didn't even know Gocong was a starter now. But that LB crew should be NASTY!!....anyways GO EAGLES!! can't wait....
07-07-23 23:35:27
Bad4ndy ::: Favorites
well bud... so far the roster goes Reggie brown, kevin curtis, hank baskett, jason avant, greg lewis, then bloom... i think greg will b cut... and baskett will move up.... and yes they moved gocong 2 starting SLB now that they have tko... they wanted a faster LB 2 cover TE's
07-07-23 23:41:30
crazyoldtom ::: Favorites
fiacolet is a joke, he can't be for real
07-07-23 23:45:41
princemakaveli7 ::: Favorites
lmaoo ja rule hahahahaha
07-07-24 00:39:01
withy40ozz ::: Favorites
wtf.. ur bumpin the rule.. shits WEAK!!
07-07-24 01:06:56
Bad4ndy ::: Favorites
watever dude... roo is my generation... everybdy was bumpin rule... i no u were 2.... lol ur weak lol
07-07-24 02:29:22
withy40ozz ::: Favorites
rule was always a bitch!
07-07-24 11:49:54
Bad4ndy ::: Favorites
ur prolly a fitty fan arnt-chu???
07-07-24 14:11:08
withy40ozz ::: Favorites
i like a few of his songs.. . only cause of the beats.. i think he sucks as a rapper... his new song is good... I RUN NEW YORK!
07-07-24 14:31:45
nickeleye2020 ::: Favorites
Damn them boys fans are in for some pain and another heartbreaking season. Bank it.
07-07-24 15:00:48

Ned Lamont on Iraq, Feb. '06

Duration: 42 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-06 21:15:45
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

From a PoliticsTV interview in Feb. 06

valsartdiary - "Pink Glass"

Duration: 377 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-11 01:22:21
User: valsartdiary
:::: Favorites

How do you want to see the new upcoming year? I'm tired of being afraid of silly things. I'm in the fighter mood and I'm ready for any challenge. La vie en rose? Nah! I Just wanna a bit more positive :)

valsartdiary ::: Favorites
oils or acrylics?
07-06-08 01:40:28
valsartdiary ::: Favorites
Mental powers?
07-06-08 01:41:27
STRESSED999 ::: Favorites
yeah i'm mental powering right now :)xxxxxx
07-06-08 01:44:59
mindyflann ::: Favorites
07-06-10 22:56:08
ttakdliw ::: Favorites
Ballare, sognare, vive, amare, ecsendo... Stela di canapa. Il vostro codice categoria e boundless!!!
07-06-26 23:51:55
liinxs ::: Favorites
LOL u cant cheat me with that "kaka" meaning
07-07-23 23:12:47
tchenwu ::: Favorites
i don't believe pretty has a brownish color.... i think kaka has a brownish color!! lol
07-07-29 16:11:20
MrNotSoSerious ::: Favorites
Amazing painting...
07-07-30 02:46:50
citarasa ::: Favorites
Whenever FEAR Creeps Up in da Back o' Ur Head , REPLACE It IMMEDIATELY With +ve Visions! ...Like Cakes Good Chocolate & A Good Pink Glass Painting ? (; P(;ACE
07-08-03 22:06:00
e5d4d4 ::: Favorites
07-08-06 22:12:52

Manchester United VS Sun jun FC Man U Goal HL

Duration: 83 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-24 02:07:11
User: fktmxm119
:::: Favorites

Cool Chinas Referee Error ..Suck Wes brown no goal smith no goal ronal do no goal carrick no goal Silvestre no goal maybe Man U 11: 0 WIN!!!

Doktur humoris kałza

Duration: 151 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-03 13:26:41
User: GrzesiooTV2
:::: Favorites

Fakty TVN 03012007

Liverpool FC - The 70s Part (2/7)

Duration: 598 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-21 15:08:27
User: srawra
:::: Favorites

The greats choose their best XI from the 70s. Part 2. Join LFCfanatics.com today!

YouTube Debate: What does "In God we trust mean to you?"

Duration: 54 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-23 21:32:12
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

On July 23, 2007, CNN and YouTube partnered to sponsor the first Democratic primary debate of the 2008 election cycle. Questions were asked by citizens from around the country by uploading personal videos to the YouTube website.

deZazi ::: Favorites
hehe well what version are you reffering to? ;D
07-07-29 18:23:15
qruel ::: Favorites
exactly. just the fact that there are multiple version ofthe bible with different and sometimes oppossing theology proves my point that there are contradictions and that the bible is NOT infallible :-)
07-07-29 18:37:03
rah0wa ::: Favorites
This current war is about the Zionists wiping out TWO of their most hated enemies in one fell swoop, the Aryans and the Arabs. As well as creating a Greater Israel in the process. They care not who dies or how many, Black, white, latino, asian. We are all goy to them. They look unto us like we are animals, force us to fight each other by forcing us to live amongst each other in the name of diversity, and by sending out children off to die fighting their wars
07-07-29 19:02:48
deZazi ::: Favorites
eh i never said it was infallible, nothing created by humans is infallible (no matter how inspired by God they are) i just stated that there are no contradictions... and now i'm way too lazy to defend my statement is all ;D
07-07-30 00:45:47
qruel ::: Favorites
at least your honest. LOL. best conversation I've had on youtube :-) take care.
07-07-30 00:48:37
deZazi ::: Favorites
lolz you too ;D
07-07-30 01:13:03
SicLuceatLux2 ::: Favorites
HILLARY / CHINESE CONNECTIONS Google: "THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY- how decades of clinton double-dealing compromised our national security" Google: "Downside Legacy at two degrees of Bill Clinton" ...click "High Treason" -click: "Time Lines" -then click: "People" - "Events"
07-08-01 03:46:00
Ascendyourthinking ::: Favorites
Look you all are on the wrong track with this question of infallibility. You want to demonstrate the validity of God or what is termed his "word" (cause it's not the bible in it's TRANSLATED form) study the universe with no assumptions and you will reach some interesting paradoxes. Read Johannes Kepler's NEW ASTRONOMY and WORLD HARMONIES. Put the talk to rest cause things that you all talk about can not be resolved by just talking, you have to do some hard grueling work!
07-08-02 10:41:33
rammer257 ::: Favorites
Don't use the "Bush-Hillary Travel Company" because they don't do any return flight planning. You will find yourself stuck in Iraq, your kids are being killed and "Bush-Hillary Travel" failed to arrange for your return! They don't plan or even read the intelligence, they simply AUTHORIZE one-way trips to Iraq! OBAMA '08 for RESPONSIBLE Leadership!!!
07-08-03 00:13:31
deZazi ::: Favorites
it's impossible to study anything without assumptions.. studying in itself takes on the assumption that one will learn though it. oy... and as said before i'm lazy when it comes to that anyway
07-08-03 18:17:29


Duration: 16 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-21 08:42:40
User: kurohagi3
:::: Favorites


me playing Winning9LE VIDEO SHOT

Duration: 350 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-29 09:55:18
User: fktmxm119
:::: Favorites

This game Play Computer Winning9LE ME Playing game Video capture