Tuesday, August 7, 2007

GORE: On Coal and a New Power Grid

Duration: 161 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-21 17:17:06
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Former VP Al Gore speaks to Congress on his view of coal power plants and creating a new kind of power grid in the United States (Mar. 21, 2007)

alanroderick ::: Favorites
And why is Al Gore a self serving politician, now world renown, given scientist credentials.? And if you do not believe Global warming these people claim you are also a denier of the Holocaust. If they are so confident why use such vitriol?
07-04-28 21:11:24
forkeat ::: Favorites
more and more scientists are refuting the al gore theory of global warming. Piece by piece the global warming scam is being dismantled.
07-05-01 02:04:58
ekim53 ::: Favorites
There is a strong correlation between elevated atmosphere temperature and air condition units. Every time someone turns on their air conditioner it's hot outside. You ungrateful carbon foot printing, planet destroying, Bush loving, imperial, capitalistic bastards, TURN OFF YOUR DAMN AIR CONDITIONERS OR WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE... or you can give me some money, technically carbon credits, and I'll plant a nice tree or bush for you...thank you very much.
07-05-04 12:36:27
pfiffer2974 ::: Favorites
what we really need to do is reduce the human population down to about 1/10th of what it is today, and also go back to the tech level we were living at in 1883. Maybe by doing this , we can save the planet! 600 million people on the planet will be plenty.
07-05-14 12:32:55
uSteltzen ::: Favorites
You have no idea what your saying. Do some more research.
07-05-22 04:00:07
ekim53 ::: Favorites
Do you want to volunteer?
07-05-22 09:41:11
ekim53 ::: Favorites
That's a pretty sorry rebuttal...anybody can say that.
07-05-22 09:45:44
pfiffer2974 ::: Favorites
its coming soon enough for all of us. a nation as large and powerful as China will not want to share resources forever.
07-05-22 20:11:01
carmexworks ::: Favorites
why do you global warmists have to keep coming here to defend your co2 global warming? You already say you have "a consensus among scientists". Don't you have peace of mind about that? Why do feel the need to keep coming here do defend co2 global warming? Is it because you feel doubts? You are worried. Al Gore fails to convince.
07-05-23 23:54:02
tyfry87 ::: Favorites
Al Gore is an idiot. There is no economical way of capturing carbon emissions. If everyone shut their lights off when they left the room, THAT would make a difference.
07-07-03 14:15:18

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