Saturday, August 25, 2007 Appears on Hardball to Discuss Pat Tillman

Duration: 10:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-01 19:06:02
User: votevets
:::: Favorites

Jon Soltz, Iraq veteran and Chair of appears on Hardball to discuss the investigation into the death of Pat Tillman, and the President's refusal to release documents related to it

kac56 ::: Favorites
"it takes a long time to figure out"?! It's been over 3 years.
07-08-11 20:09:24
capsource1 ::: Favorites
Deal with it guys - your Democrats lied. They flat out lied. They said that if they became the majority they would investagate and impeach. Look - deal with it. Pelosi and Reid are nothing but a bunch of poltical whores. They won't impeach because of the 08 election. LOLOLO GO BUSH !
07-08-11 14:20:39
junkobrian ::: Favorites
WoW... Jon Soltz truly is like a squirrel digging around the media looking for a nut or his 15 minutes of political fame from this sad event. I think the government is making ever effort to make things right and I don't think Jon (The Squirrel) Soltz is truly looking out for the best interest of the Tillman family. May the Tillman family receive an honest and truthful closure and may Pat Tillman RIP.
07-08-05 06:45:56
grazon ::: Favorites
You obviously don't know shit about Soltz freeper.
07-08-06 12:47:39
helorm341 ::: Favorites
The founder of VoteVets, consered a veteran of the army and threatened to get his dishonorably discharged for useing his freedom of speech. This man isn't democrat or republican, he's communist! pajamasmedia. com/2007/08/soldier _censored_at_kos_conv en.php
07-08-05 03:04:15
rhpaulite ::: Favorites
RON PAUL 2008!!! donate at ronpaul2008 . com Join the revolution! pledgeronpaul . com, dailypaul . com
07-08-02 17:19:02
HomoGeneIous ::: Favorites
WE THE PEOPLE, DEMAND IMPEACHMENT BACK on the TABLE, ANY TABLE, but "BRING IT ON" Impeach the God Dammed CRIMINALS!!! Impeach the God Dammed CRIMINALS!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! Enough with "Stay the Course"...enough with "New DIRECTION". Just STOP funding this nonsense and GOD DAMMIT, just DO IT!!! "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - A Einstein
07-08-02 04:18:53
snesich ::: Favorites
Pat Tillman was a true hero. Bush and his fellow war criminals lied about how he died in order to exploit his death for their propaganda purposes. This is shameful and disgusting. Bush, as usual, cares about his own power. Bush cares nothing about the soldiers who he sent to kill and to die in the Middle East.
07-08-02 03:39:08

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