Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Memorial Day Moment of Silence on YouTube

Duration: 00:60 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-27 11:44:21
User: clipbandits
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Clipandits find it ironic the U.S. government has decided to cut off access to YouTube for military personnel stationed around the world. Yes, they can view YouTube from their own computers at home, but doesn't do a lot of good for soldiers on the battlefield who only have access to defense department issued computers. We believe if servicemen are sent out to fight war, they should at least have the choice to view what they want on the Internet.

iphone9II ::: Favorites
________HEAVENTRUTH.ORG________ this site explains the truth about getting into heaven
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black pride
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Michael Moore's Youtube Account "mmflint" has been SUSPENDED!!!
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donotasyoudo ::: Favorites
07-08-23 17:15:51
topthecharts ::: Favorites
Good video. I think everyone needs a moment of silence everyday, not just Memorial Day.
07-08-23 17:02:50
donovanstark ::: Favorites
07-08-23 11:33:38
akphilips ::: Favorites
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07-08-19 12:53:10
SeKKTTe ::: Favorites
Unterstützt diesen Mann. Seine Freundin hat ihn betrogen und möchte, dass jetzt die ganze Welt davon erfährt. heisse-cindy. de. tf Schaut dort vorbei, seine EX, diese "Schl**pe". UNTERSTÜTZE IHN! SCHICKT DIESEN LINK WEITER!
07-08-06 03:53:21

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