Monday, August 13, 2007

Re: Start the Conversation

Duration: 147 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-02 00:07:01
User: EmergencyCheese
:::: Favorites

My response to Senator Chris Dodd's "Start the Conversation" video. A link to his YouTube channel is listed under "Channels I'm Watching." This will be one in a series of videos exploring how 2008 Presidential candidates use YouTube as a campaign tool.

republicanconfederat ::: Favorites
i saw part of Senator dodds speach at the DNC on tv and all i can say is he comes across as a rough rude person of course that if used in the right way i might come to like but all i can say is if the elections were held today i could not suport any democrats encluding Senator Dodd but who knows the elections are a long way off mae be Senator Dodd will do somthing that impresses me
07-02-15 10:49:24
republicanconfederat ::: Favorites
Senator dodd was born May 27 1944 hes only 62 years old the oldest canidate on youtube yes but not in the whole race jonh mcain is 70 years old and i find it interesting that rudy giluani was born may 28 1944 one day after dodd well i personaly believe age dosent matter in a race after all when ronald regan ran a second time he was 73 years old i saw you replied to my last comment also thank you
07-02-16 10:53:26
republicanconfederat ::: Favorites
tahnks for responding to my comment
07-02-16 10:54:37
republicanconfederat ::: Favorites
you sound like a interesting person i think most people around your age dont like political stuff you should have done stuff on the 2006 elections but yeh keep on makeing videos and i like it when people replie to my comments
07-02-16 11:15:50
republicanconfederat ::: Favorites
its hard for me to commuincate with you threw comments but yeh thanks for makeing these videos there great i hope you make more and i would like to talk to you more sometime mae be on a internet chat service like paltalk or yahoo
07-02-16 11:22:43
republicanconfederat ::: Favorites
youtube is a good and bad thing for canidates for some times like what happened to george allen his opponent destroyed him with it and i love to get replies to my comments
07-02-16 11:41:58
republicanconfederat ::: Favorites
dodd isnt going to win thank god if we have to have a ct senator i would rather have joe lieberman
07-02-16 12:03:13
republicanconfederat ::: Favorites
hey award osama obama a youngest award why dont you
07-02-16 13:08:21

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