Saturday, August 11, 2007


Duration: 253 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-25 18:29:31
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites

This is my job as a human.

ravensmomscorp76 ::: Favorites
as far as I can tell, Ian will get as far as "first-read..." of your comment, and the rest of your comment will go unnoticed (Ian doesn't really "read") I've recommended a number of things to him, also...
07-08-06 15:19:50
ravensmomscorp76 ::: Favorites
I don't get how you can say he's stalking and harassing people... and yet I see you doing just THAT, after HIS comments?! You just seem to come out of nowhere...?!
07-08-06 15:27:23
kayaksta ::: Favorites
lol...if you're having a bad day what should you do? come to ian crosslands channel and feel better about yourself
07-08-06 20:44:06
kayaksta ::: Favorites
my dreams always make sense at the time but when i wake up it's always unconscionable. so in saying that you remind me of a person who is stuck in his dreams. dont trust your thoughts too much because as i've learned "assumption" is the mother of all F ups
07-08-06 20:48:44
Bobbyb222 ::: Favorites
I Just wanted to say that I love you man!! Thanks for sharing on you tube
07-08-07 12:11:56
Riordanne ::: Favorites
"We don't remember that we're Galileo..." (?) Is that what he's saying here?
07-08-08 04:35:19
Riordanne ::: Favorites
I don't think that having communication with parents causes you to have a deeper understanding necessarily. Sometimes communication can be distracting in itself. And some communication from parents is negative and disturbing, threatening.
07-08-08 05:09:39
Riordanne ::: Favorites
I understand what you're saying about the immortality of communication, and how media helps promote it. But you're saying we should document bodies as another form of self-preservation? I thought our thoughts are important, b/c they are immortal and applicable to further generations, but...our bodies, seem like they largely offer statistical data. What is it you're hoping to get out of preserving info of the body, exactly?
07-08-08 05:14:27
mrpeeman ::: Favorites
He means that, well its hard yo explain, its like sayin when we die our "soul" will go into another person, with the old person forgot so its like when we die we become anothr peseon just forgetting it, so one of us might have been a person before, but obviously alot more peple will be born liek that. Well thats what i think o_O Intresting to think about that stuff though
07-08-10 16:49:32
JaycobKay ::: Favorites
That's good. Good thinking.
07-08-10 16:54:08

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