Sunday, July 29, 2007

TPMtv: The One that (Didn't) Get Away

Duration: 447 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-26 13:07:47
User: Veracifier
:::: Favorites

We held Yesterday's episode for the Gonzales hearings. Here it is- Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) has landed herself a pretty nice spot of land on Alaska's Kenai River. But it wasn't just lucky fishing. We explain, with a little help from TPMmuckraker.

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Veracifier ::: Favorites
Thanks for the love all! And the good idea on the picture- have replaced with our slippery senator and her slippery fish...
07-07-26 16:56:10
theclod ::: Favorites
All I can say is.. .. . who cares? If someone wants to give someone else a hundred billion million jillion dollars, how is that my business? Its not even cash. . .
07-07-26 18:49:42
Jackstowne ::: Favorites
07-07-26 19:04:32
mcches33 ::: Favorites
I hate that you bring me down to this level, but don't you have a neighborhood watch meeting to attend, or perhaps a hall to monitor? Don't forget your arm band and your notepad so you can rat out all your friends for being late to class. Quit throwing people under the bus for using swear words when you called me an asshat. Hypocrite. Peace and love. Toodles, Carlton Banks.
07-07-26 22:04:12
Starteller ::: Favorites
It's YOUR tax payer cash!!!!!! Why do you think they "give" them to a SENATOR?
07-07-27 00:03:48
Jackstowne ::: Favorites
You confuse slurs with common foul language, as if bigotry was mere rudeness. It is not. As awful as profanity might be to you (your sense of victimization is transparent), it is not comparable to slurs, which dehumanize and demonize a group of people on the basis of an immutable trait (gender).
07-07-27 00:53:46
fishhead06 ::: Favorites
I call my male friends "bitch" all the time. Lighten up on the PC-mania.
07-07-27 02:06:53
mcches33 ::: Favorites
Just go away. Please. Nobody cares what your self-righteous ass has to say. I'm a grown man and I can say whatever I want, whenever I want. Go try to bully someone else. Why do you care so much about policing the comment section of youtube anyway? Is your life really that pathetic and boring? I'm starting to feel pretty pathetic wasting even one more second on you. Go away.
07-07-27 03:36:36
leftcoastinnews ::: Favorites
use youtube to play "Lost" online ww w.lost.e u/4a704
07-07-27 23:47:59
airborne373 ::: Favorites
Another politician riping off America, no surprise.
07-07-28 08:06:10

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